For start lets say that i do not know anything about electronics, maybe a little less...
Today I removed the connection between the DAC and amplifier in my Zero, I was thinking that I maybe would get more power and less distorted power for the DAC, but I could not detect any difference..
As I was doing the above I removed the GDopamp in the zero and when I reconnected it, I forgot putting it back in
much to my surprice it played anyway
but with a sligtly different signature than with the opamp....
So for me the million $ question is why use does opamps at all ??
Because if I have learnt in my life it is that, the fewer the ingrediens the lesser mistakes is made underway..
And how much surplus of electronincs is there in our DAC/amps and so on ??
I have read that opamp just amplified the signal, but it also colours the result..
Is all DACs using opamps ??
What about Amps ??
I have about a 1000 more things I like to know but for now I will settle with this, I do not want to abuse
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